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Am votat si logo-ul nostru este arcul cu fundalul negru.
We voted for them and our logo is the bow with the black background .



Jan 12, 2010

Dupa cum am promis am facut logourile, mai exact avem 3 logouri (2 desenate de mana si unul facut pe calculator).
Am avut 7 logouri ,dar aici sunt cele mai bune din ele:
As we promised we have the logos, more exactly we have 3 logos (2 hand-drawn and 1 digitally drawn).
We had 7 logos, but here are the best of them:

Facut de :Profesor:Vieru Elena si Elev:Ciuca Georgiana(Desenat de mana)
Made by:Teacher:Vieru Elena and Student:Ciuca Georgiana(Hand-drawn)

Facut de :Profesor:Vieru Elena si Elev:Ciuca Georgiana multumiri pentru idee: Nicolae Andrei(Desenat de mana)
Made by:Teacher:Vieru Elena and Student:Ciuca Georgiana thanks for the idea to Nicolae Andrei(Hand-drawn)
Facut de:Elev:Vulpe Razvan ,multumiri pentru idee Nicolae Andrei (Desenat Digital)
Made by : Student:Vulpe Razvan ,thanks for idea to student Nicolae Andrei .(Digitally Drawn)

In cursul saptamanii o sa votam pe cel mai bun din cele 4.
In the course of this week we'll vote the best of all 4 .
