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Our Students

Feb 18, 2010

Acestia sunt elevii din grupul nostru :

These are the students in our group:
Maria 6ACosmin 8F
Razvan 8F
Andrei 8F
Bogdan 6A
Bianca 6A
Stefi 6A
Ramona 6A
Teodora 6A
Alisia 6A
Andrei 6A
Ana 6A
Bogdan 7C
Luiza 7C
Niculina 7C
Stefan 7C
Ana 8F
Andreea 8F

Votes !

Feb 17, 2010

This week our students voted for logos.The votes are :
By the way ,we saw that some students voted for both of our logos, but we decided from January(through the poll on the blog and asking our students) that our logo is the bow with black background.

Photos from Sparleni

Feb 7, 2010

Drăgăşani e un oras in Valcea, Romania pe malul drept al raului Olt. Orasul este bine cunoscut pentru podgoriile si vinurile

(Romanian pronunciation: Dragashan) is a city in Valcea, Romania on the right bank of the Olt river. The city is well known for its vineyards and best wines.

Un film cu orasul nostru:
A movie with our city:

Aici sunt cateva fotografii de la un producator de vinuri din apropierea orasului nostru .
Here are some photos from a wine producer around of our town .
