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Now we make part of "Scoala lui Andrei" project we need your votes . If you have a valid e-mail address you can vote us here : . When this opens you have to put your e-mail address in a box which is a little down on the page and then just press the "votare" button , then wait a little time and you'll see you have received an e-mail with the confirmation link. That's all, you can share this to your friends.

"From Grey to Purple" in english:

It was fun introducing the characters and try to feel the emotions they have during the play.

The Perrys are a familly who came from Grey country to Purple country and tried to get integrated in the comunity.

Our hard work resulted a very good play ( we think) and we hope you liked it too!

The characters were defined and we will follow their evolution.

That's all folks ! thanks for watching the act 1!


Grupul Comenius de la Scoala Tudor Vladimirescu s-a inscris la proiectul national "Scoala lui Andrei" si speram sa participe la activitatile organizate in taberele oferite elevilor Comenius FIRST de acest program


Last project meeting

Ultima intalnire de proiect Comenius in Italia, la Lanciano, perioada 20-25 Mai unde a fost prezentata piesa "From Grey to Purple" de toate grupurile participante. Piesa este produsul final al proiectului "European Teenagers share Languages and Reflections through Drama", produs creat de elevii grupului Comenius de la T.V.. Fiecare tara a prezentat piesa in limba nationala la teatrul Fenaroli unde a putut fi vizionata in Spaniola, Turca, Franceza, Italiana si Romana, un prilej deosebit de promovare a multilingvismului; inaintea fiecarui spectacol s-a intonat imnul national al fiecarei tari.

Primirea de la Lanciano a fost deosebita, profesorii si elevii de acolo au fost alaturi de noi, a dainuit spiritul latin. Elevii romani care studiaza in Italia ne-au fost alaturi la prezentarea spectacolului romanesc. Ne-am despartit dupa 2 ani de colaborare de partenerii si prietenii nostri, dar si cu speranta ca intr-o zi ne vom mai revedea.