Search In Project's Blogs

This Period

Dec 15, 2009

Luna aceasta am avut o multime de intalniri. Pe 1 Decembrie, ziua nationala a Romaniei (este doar o coincidenta) am proiectat blogul.
In aceasta perioada cativa elevi din grup au vorbit foarte mult despre cum ar trebui sa arate logo-ul nostru. La inceput nu aveam nici o idee, apoi am avut foarte multe idei si nu stiam care sunt mai bune. Am ales cele mai bune idei si acum o sa desenam logourile.
Tot in aceasta perioada cativa dintre noi au primit povestea de la elevii din Franta, au tradus-o, au scris al 3-lea act si l-au tradus in engleza.

In this month we had a lot of meetings.
On 1st December, Romania's National Day (this is only a coincidence) we built the blog ( we posted later).
In this period a group talked a lot about how our logo should be like. At the beginning we had no idea, but finally we had a lot of ideas and we didn't know which is better.We chosed the best ideas and now we'll draw them.
Some students from our group recieved the script from the students from France, translated it, wrote the 3rd act and translated it in english.